Welcome to Popsnacks! We're not your average snack factory. We're the innovative folks behind some seriously delightful popcorn and popped chips, proudly based in Saudi Arabia. We aim to create snacks that are light and nutritious without compromising on fun and flavor. So hold onto your taste buds, because our products are anything but ordinary.


We've taken snacking to a whole new level with our popped chips, crafted from plant-based proteins like lentils and chickpeas. This makes our chips an excellent source of amino acids without raising your risk of heart disease.


What makes Popsnacks stand out?

We're masters of the air-pop, transforming whole grains into crunchy bites of joy without a drop of oil or a single fryer in sight. Healthier choices don't have to be bland or boring, and we're here to prove it.


At Popsnacks, we take pride in our commitment to quality. By carefully sourcing premium kernels and flavors from the United States, we ensure that every bite delivers an authentic and superior taste experience.


Our snacks are great sources of fiber, keeping your blood sugar in check and keeping you fuller for longer!


We support healthy choices. This includes setting time aside for family and friends! Our snacks are family-friendly and perfect for sharing, making them a great choice for social occasions.